I do not look for anything new here--no changes, no specifics, just the same lame generalities and denials. I will be, frankly, shocked to see anything more than that. There has been no depth to this administration thus far, why should we expect some now? We will get the same tired platitudes and an attempt to blame ignorance and right-wing instigators for all the dissent.
Pay attention and see if I am right about this . . . there will be no substantive refutation of any negative criticism of this plan--only denials. Because they are such rabid idealogues, they will not hesitate to lie with impunity to achieve their ultimate goals. The end always justifies the means with these patricians. Sheer arrogance leads Generalissimo Obama to believe that he can say anything he wants, no matter how patently absurd or obviously false, and because he is so eloquent and we plebians so dull, it will work. This is the plan.
Oh, they may change the labels again, as they have done several times already, but the substance will be the same--more government, less liberty, and the citizen be damned. The citizen doesn't know what's best for him anyway.
A denial is not a refutation.
This administration and Congress have been under relentless attack from the Right--not the Republicans who are still looking around cluelessly, wondering what in the world happened to them the last two election cycles--but from the Right. The Right has been leveling charge after charge against this bill and these accusations, because they have substance behind them, substance like specific page numbers in the house or senate bill, have rung true. If these charges were false and Obama were on the side of truth, then the best thing Obama could do to win the debate and persuade the citizenry of the rightness of his plan would be to argue it substantively, show where the accusations of the Right were either unfounded or misguided, and then speak plain truth to the people.
But he won't.
What he will do is libel the dissenters (ad hominem) and deny the accusations.
Again, a denial is not a refutation and his tactics demonstrate the weakness of their position.
Watch and see if I am right.
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