And 65% of doctors oppose ObamaCare according to a
poll published today in Investor's Business Daily.
Major findings included:
• Two-thirds, or 65%, of doctors say they oppose the proposed government expansion plan. This contradicts the administration's claims that doctors are part of an "unprecedented coalition" supporting a medical overhaul.
It also differs with findings of a poll released Monday by National Public Radio that suggests a "majority of physicians want public and private insurance options," and clashes with media reports such as Tuesday's front-page story in the Los Angeles Times with the headline "Doctors Go For Obama's Reform."
Nowhere in the Times story does it say doctors as a whole back the overhaul. It says only that the AMA — the "association representing the nation's physicians" and what "many still regard as the country's premier lobbying force" — is "lobbying and advertising to win public support for President Obama's sweeping plan."
The AMA, in fact, represents approximately 18% of physicians and has been hit with a number of defections by members opposed to the AMA's support of Democrats' proposed health care overhaul.
• Four of nine doctors, or 45%, said they "would consider leaving their practice or taking an early retirement" if Congress passes the plan the Democratic majority and White House have in mind.
Can anyone say
Atlas Shrugged?
I wounder if the inverse would be true and 45% of democratic congressman would consider leaving their office or taking an early retirement, if the government option health care bill fails. Better yet we could just vote them into early retirement in 2010, regardless.
Thanks for highlighting this poll from IBD! As a practicing physician "in the trenches", they are completely on target.
You might also be interested in my OpEd in today's PajamasMedia:
"Is Your Doctor Getting Ready To Quit?"
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