While surfing around the web this morning I ran across this gem of a blog.
The People's Cube. I'm adding it to the sidebar. They are creative and funny and their wit hits home. These are some examples of what they did in a recent response to the White House solicitation of email addresses of those who were "spreading fishy misinformation" about Obama Care.

They even set up a website where they have a few items along this theme that you can purchase. Don't you just love the instincts of a good capitalist?
The People's Cube Store
Those guys with guns who recently turned up to Obama speeches with weapons - they weren't arrested.
Unlike the people who turned up to Bush speeches with anti-war T-shirts. They got removed by police pronto.
Who's stifling freedom of speech?
You have got to be kidding me.
If you think the Secret Service are favoring one president over another you are in kooksville, my friend. Of course, when all your news and "facts" come from the left, you come up with nonsense like that . . . I suppose.
Now think about what you just posted in that comment and tell me you really believe the Secret Service showed favoritism to one President over another.
I can't believe I even responded to this tripe.
I never have figured out how the left can pretend to believe in civil liberties while ignoring blatant political thuggery when perpetrated by a fellow lefty. I suppose you thought Nixon's compilations of enemy lists was alright too? Obama's request for information on those spreading "misinformation" about his health care proposal was chilling, my friend. It was pure political bullying. People fear the government and they should. The government carries the sword and is not afraid to wield it. In this case, we have an administration which has already shown itself fully capable of using its power to destroy political enemies. And now it asks citizens to turn in their fellow citizens?
And you compare that to the Secret Service turning away some protesters during the Bush administration because it deemed them a possible threat? What planet do you live on? Has living at the bottom of the world caused the blood to rush out of your brain or something?
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