George W. Bush, like his father, was not a conservative.
Should I repeat that? I wish I did not have to, but I probably should because some people cannot seem to get an "us vs. them" mentality out of their heads. They read everything through that template.
George W. Bush, like his father, was not a conservative. Neither did I approve of everything he and his administration did.
One thing I appreciate about Bush is that he worked tirelessly after 9/11 to keep us safe and was successful in doing so. Thank-you, Mr. President, for that.
But, please. If your only response to a criticism of the Obama administration is to point out a foible of the last administration, or if you think that by pointing out some inconsistency in Bush you point out an inconsistency in my conservative/libertarian viewpoint, then you are, well, mistaken.
Maybe I should post something about how I'm no longer a Republican because they no longer represent my values--so that I can better get my point across. Wait. I already did that. Or maybe I should post something about how the Republicans will need to do more than just talk conservatively to win me back, like I did this very morning, and then you might get it.
Probably not.
So, while a response like, "Well, Bush did blah, blah, blah . . ." might impress your liberal friends, it really isn't an adequate response to any criticism of this administration, is it?
For an example of exactly what I'm talking about, i.e. Republicans doing liberal things, see this post by my friend the Texas Conservative over on his blog. A pox on Kay Bailey Hutchison and her plans to expand state government.
Yeah, I think we got when you wrote "No Longer A Republican".
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